We have a prayer line that is available to you 24 hours a day. Leave your prayer intention and we will make sure your intention is shared with all our Sisters and Associates and your intention will be placed in our Chapel’s prayer intention book.
To submit a prayer request:
Call – 402-951-3068
Individual Private Retreats
Give yourself the gift of time away at the Servite Center of Compassion to nurture your spirit, reflect on your life, deepen your spirituality, or relieve stress. An individual private retreat can take many forms: a day or part of a day, a week of retreat, or even a 30 day retreat. Accommodations include: a private room, buffet food service, Chapel, Healing Garden, walking areas, and individual spiritual direction if you wish. Costs are negotiable depending on the type of retreat.
Join with others in an hour of silent prayer/meditation within a traditional framework of sitting and walking meditation. The purpose of this type of prayer is to engage with the deepest aspect of the self, the eternal Divine Essence. Prayer is offered every Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Servants of Mary Chapel. No registration required. Attend as regularly as you wish.
This is an opportunity for women who wish to gather monthly for a sharing of prayer, wisdom, and a love of creating crafts for charity. Meetings are held each month on the 2nd Wednesday from 1:30 – 3:00 pm and the 4th Wednesday from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. No cost.
Servite Sisters and Associates come together for a time of reflective prayer including readings, music,and quiet once a month on the third Tuesday at 7 pm. Prayer is followed by fellowship in the Servite Dining Room. All are welcome. No cost.